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  • Una cámara frustra lo que parecía ser una estafa perfecta (VIDEOS)

Una cámara frustra lo que parecía ser una estafa perfecta (VIDEOS)



Un grupo de personas chocó violentamente a una mujer con el presunto propósito de engañar al seguro. Sin embargo, no notaron que estaban siendo grabados todo el tiempo.

Presuntos estafadores de seguros en EE.UU. fueron descubiertos orquestando un accidente de tráfico gracias a una cámara colocada en el automóvil de la víctima que grabó toda la secuencia.

El suceso, ocurrido el miércoles en una autopista de Queens, Nueva York, fue compartido este viernes por la propia afectada, identificada como Ashpia Natasha en su cuenta de TikTok. En las imágenes se puede ver a la mujer conduciendo por el carril izquierdo cuando sin previo aviso un Honda Accord plateado se atraviesa en su camino obligándola a frenar de golpe.

@ashpianatasha4 Insurance fraud attempt in Queens, NY 10-16-2024 PART 1 I was driving in the left lane of the Belt Parkway going East bound towards the Southern State Parkway. The silver Honda (LBB 8917) was in the middle lane, and they cut me off and slammed on the brakes coming to a full stop hoping I would hit them. I did not hit their car and because of that they reversed into my car for collision and acted as if they were injured while coming out of their vehicle. I believe the intention was to say I hit their car for insurance fraud purposes. They had a tarp covering the rear windshield which fell off once they hit my car. You can see the driver is a male wearing a hat and you can see him switching to the passenger seat as well as the movement of the car before anyone gets out. The first three passengers exit the car pretending to be hurt, while the fourth passenger who was driving slips out through the passenger seat and gets into a second vehicle. That second vehicle was a red KIA SUV (KJH 3340) which was following me from behind and keeping distance so they wouldn’t slam into me. The red KIA drove around and picked up the driver to get away. The remaining three people’s demeanor changed once one of them noticed the dashcam. They only came out of the car with their phones ready to record the damage to both cars. They were quick to ask for my insurance and quickly left after the exchange. I called the police at the time of the incident and reported it as an accident, and the police told me they no longer go to an accident if no one is injured and they are willing to exchange information. I did not realize at the time that the driver switched and left in another car or that it was a set-up as I was driving by myself, and everything happened so fast. #queensny#car#caraccident#exposed#newyork#brooklynny @nbcnews @abcnews @nypd @geico @allstate @pix11ny ♬ original sound – Ashpia Natasha

Acto seguido, el conductor del Honda pone reversa y estrella su vehículo contra la parte delantera del coche de Natasha. “Acabo de tener un accidente, no sé qué está pasando”, se escucha decir a la mujer a su pareja por el teléfono. “Este sujeto acaba de chocarme, ¿qué diablos está pasando?”, agregó.

De inmediato, los cuatro pasajeros del otro vehículo descienden presuntamente consternados. En el video se puede ver a un hombre sosteniendo un lado de su cabeza y a otra mujer agarrándose su mandíbula como si estuvieran heridos mientras filmaban la matrícula de Ashpia.

La conductora notó otras actitudes que le llamaron la atención. En un momento el chofer del otro vehículo se movió al asiento del pasajero para salir del auto y subirse a otro coche que se detuvo en el lugar. En un video posterior que subió Natasha, se puede ver a los supuestos cómplices en un Kia Sportage rojo siguiéndola instantes previos al accidente.

@ashpianatasha4 Insurance fraud attempt in Queens, NY 10-16-2024 PART 2 I was driving in the left lane of the Belt Parkway going East bound towards the Southern State Parkway. The silver Honda (LBB 8917) was in the middle lane, and they cut me off and slammed on the brakes coming to a full stop hoping I would hit them. I did not hit their car and because of that they reversed into my car for collision and acted as if they were injured while coming out of their vehicle. I believe the intention was to say I hit their car for insurance fraud purposes. They had a tarp covering the rear windshield which fell off once they hit my car. You can see the driver is a male wearing a hat and you can see him switching to the passenger seat as well as the movement of the car before anyone gets out. The first three passengers exit the car pretending to be hurt, while the fourth passenger who was driving slips out through the passenger seat and gets into a second vehicle. That second vehicle was a red KIA SUV (KJH 3340) which was following me from behind and keeping distance so they wouldn’t slam into me. The red KIA drove around and picked up the driver to get away. The remaining three people’s demeanor changed once one of them noticed the dashcam. They only came out of the car with their phones ready to record the damage to both cars. They were quick to ask for my insurance and quickly left after the exchange. I called the police at the time of the incident and reported it as an accident, and the police told me they no longer go to an accident if no one is injured and they are willing to exchange information. I did not realize at the time that the driver switched and left in another car or that it was a set-up as I was driving by myself, and everything happened so fast. #queensny#car#caraccident#exposed#newyork#brooklynny@nbcnews @abcnews@nypd@geico@allstate@pix11ny ♬ original sound – Ashpia Natasha

“Creo que la intención era decir que choqué su auto con el propósito de estafar al seguro. Tenían una lona cubriendo el parabrisas trasero, que se cayó cuando chocaron mi auto”, explicó la mujer, que en aquel momento pensó que se trataba de un accidente normal.

Estafa frustrada

Acusan de fraude a actriz de la serie 'Yellowstone' por cobrar casi 97.000 dólares por discapacidad mientras trabajaba

Sin embargo, la situación dio un giro inesperado cuando uno de los supuestos estafadores notó que había una cámara en el coche de Natasha filmando lo sucedido. Según sus declaraciones, le pidió al grupo que permaneciera en el lugar hasta que llegue su marido. No obstante, los pasajeros del Honda le respondieron que debían irse rápidamente para recoger a un bebé y terminaron marchándose cuando llegó la grúa.

No fue hasta que llegó a casa y vio el video de su cámara de tablero que ella y su esposo “confirmaron que fue una trampa”. “Definitivamente parecía que esto estaba planeado desde hacía tiempo. Probablemente no sea la primera vez […] pero espero que sea la última”, concluyó.


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